
SR-71 Pilots

From here – the post by the actual SR-71 pilot is a pretty interesting read. It also would make a great alt-band cover.


Bad ass taxidermy

Carl Akeley, considered the father of modern taxidermy, was attacked by this leopard he poses with.

The leopard latched on to Akeley’s left hand, chomping down with all its might, and kicking at him with its back legs like a rabid 80-pound feral housecat intent on brutally mutilating him beyond recognition and burying his body in the back yard. When his attempts to pull his hand out of the leopards’ jaws only made the creature bite down harder, Akeley, locked in a life or death fistfight with one of the most perfect predators nature ever created, did one of the most insane things ever – he punched his fist further into the leopard’s mouth.

Yes, you are reading that correctly. Carl Akeley, noted philanthropist and respected wildlife conservationist, punched a fucking leopard in the esophagus from the inside. The leopard gagged, Akeley pulled his hand out, and then he took the thing, bodyslammed it to the ground, and jumped on it with both knees, crushing it to death. Akeley, bleeding profusely from horrific wounds on both hands, clawed to shit, still recovering from a recent battle with malaria, and barely able to stand, then picked up the leopard (despite a shattered hand), threw it over his shoulder, walked back to camp with it, and taxidermized it for a museum exhibit

From here:

Art Photos Uncategorized

Topography of US and Europe by sunset shadows



From here:

Art Photos

Spooky gifs

Bill Domonkos has some pretty awesome gifs here.


Don’t take things for granted

Things can change rapidly. A photo of the model platform from the 1984 Sarajevo Olympics. Later in 1996 it was used as a platform for execution during the Siege of Sarajevo.

Photos wisconsin

At the Zoo

The zoo in winter is nice because no one is ever there so you have it all to yourself. 
The penguins are looking at the wall like normal:

The lions are sitting on their big rock like normal:

The sea lion is waiting for his tank to fill up again – it was empty for some reason:

The new baby giraffe is in out from the cold:
And the turtles were chillin’:

All was as it should be.

Photos wisconsin

Olbrich Gardens in Winter

florida Photos


I’m in Florida today – a wee bit warmer here than Wisconsin. Here are some pictures of St. Petersburg, Tampa Bay, fearless pelicans, and mossy trees at night.

Photos wisconsin

Still snowy

We went to the zoo and forgot to take pictures. So this week some of the backyard in its current state.

Photos wisconsin

Warm and foggy.

All the snow is melting and it’s spooky at the arboretum:

Here’s from the back porch: