BSD/Linux DrupalRecover Tech

Tomcat Digests

I have a Tomcat server running (not for topbarbee anymore) and wanted to put a bit more security around logins to it. So I wanted to do 2 things –

  1. Add digested passwords in Tomcat’s tomcat-users.xml
  2. Make logins sent from the web browser sent as a digest authentication

Simple, no?

BSD/Linux DrupalRecover Tech

PPTP VPN with MPD and PF on FreeBSD

And here’s another thing I posted 4 years ago (reposted with backdating in 2016) about something I’ve totally forgotten! Could very well be useful.

Surfing the internet on public wifi is not secure. Anyone could be snooping on your communication. I’ve a computer running FreeBSD 9.0 that I use for many things and I’ve recently added VPN to one of those things. I imagine you could use other BSDs, Linux, or OS X for this also. I imagine even Windows could do it.