BSD/Linux DrupalRecover Tech


Here’s a quick python script to use the camera you can attach to a Raspberry Pi and take a picture whenever it detects motion. This is pretty cool, there are all sorts of silly things you can do if you can do motion detection. And to do it with the Raspberry Pi and attached camera is relatively inexpensive (less than $100) to boot! Next time someone knocks our mailbox down we’ll have ’em!

I started from the script here and modified it to just take one picture to both test whether anything changed as well as save the picture if something changed. Seems a bit better than the original taking two pictures – at least this doesn’t cause the Pi to freeze. That means the Pi have to scan a bit larger image for a change but skipping pixels seems to keep it under control. It also takes better pictures as takes some time (the -t 500 in the raspistill call) to calibrate the camera.

#!/usr/bin/env python

import StringIO
import subprocess
import os
import time
from datetime import datetime
from PIL import Image

# Motion detection settings:
# Threshold (how much a pixel has to change by to be marked as "changed")
# Sensitivity (how many changed pixels before capturing an image)
# ForceCapture (whether to force an image to be captured every forceCaptureTime seconds)
threshold = 10
sensitivity = 2000
forceCapture = True
forceCaptureTime = 60 * 60 # Once an hour

# File settings
saveWidth = 1280
saveHeight = 960
diskSpaceToReserve = 500 * 1024 * 1024 # Keep 500 mb free on disk

# Capture a small test image (for motion detection)
def captureTestImage():
    command = "raspistill -w %s -h %s -t 500 -e bmp -o -" % (1280, 960)
    imageData = StringIO.StringIO()
    imageData.write(subprocess.check_output(command, shell=True))
    im =
    buffer = im.load()
    return im, buffer

# Keep free space above given level
def keepDiskSpaceFree(bytesToReserve):
    if (getFreeSpace() < bytesToReserve):
        for filename in sorted(os.listdir(".")):
            if filename.startswith("capture") and filename.endswith(".jpg"):
                print "Deleted %s to avoid filling disk" % filename
                if (getFreeSpace() > bytesToReserve):

# Get available disk space
def getFreeSpace():
    st = os.statvfs(".")
    du = st.f_bavail * st.f_frsize
    return du

# Get first image
image1, buffer1 = captureTestImage()

# Reset last capture time
lastCapture = time.time()

while (True):
    # Get comparison image
    image2, buffer2 = captureTestImage()

    # Count changed pixels
    changedPixels = 0

    for x in xrange(0, 1280, 4):
        for y in xrange(0, 960, 4):
            # Just check green channel as it's the highest quality channel
            pixdiff = abs(buffer1[x,y][1] - buffer2[x,y][1])
            if pixdiff > threshold:
                changedPixels += 1

    # Check force capture
    if forceCapture:
        if time.time() - lastCapture > forceCaptureTime:
            changedPixels = sensitivity + 1

    # Save an image if pixels changed
    if changedPixels > sensitivity:
        lastCapture = time.time()
        timeN =
        print "Save jpg"
        filename = "capture-%04d%02d%02d-%02d%02d%02d.jpg" % (timeN.year, timeN.month,, timeN.hour, timeN.minute, timeN.second), "JPEG")
    # Swap comparison buffers
    image1 = image2
    buffer1 = buffer2
    print "Done waiting"
DrupalRecover Uncategorized

Fermi paradox

I had been thinking about the Fermi paradox the other day for no real reason but then XKCD had this comic:

That captures my opinion on it. The Fermi paradox is a bit too anthropocentic, assuming that other life would be like ours and not just happily swimming in oceans, not exploring the universe. Or being bigger than us or smaller or just other.

But then XKCD had this comic today which argues for the Fermi paradox. It is a bit concerning the temperature change estimates when viewed this way.

I suppose I did read this wrong the first time, it’s not as scary as I originally thought! My poor reading comprehension had us off the scale but we’re only at the question mark for now. I suppose in 100 years we’ll have it figured out, we’re good at figuring things out. So I’ll still scoff at the Fermi paradox.

BSD/Linux DrupalRecover Security Tech


So looking at XKCD you’d think ‘How could they possibly let this bug go?’ That’s so obvious:

Looking at this other blog that purports to show the code causing the issue (and I do look at various forms of computer code daily) you’d say ‘How the heck would they ever know this is a problem?’ Perhaps we shouldn’t be allowed to code in C. The fix:

The fix

The most important part of the fix was this:

/* Read type and payload length first */
if (1 + 2 + 16 > s->s3->rrec.length)
    return 0; /* silently discard */
hbtype = *p++;
n2s(p, payload);
if (1 + 2 + payload + 16 > s->s3->rrec.length)
    return 0; /* silently discard per RFC 6520 sec. 4 */
pl = p;

This does two things: the first check stops zero-length heartbeats. The second check checks to make sure that the actual record length is sufficiently long. That’s it.

OK, maybe I see somewhere there a related fix they descibe. I suppose if one gets over the ‘s->s3->rrec.length’ it makes sense as long as they are doing that (I assume) pointer *p++ right too. And pl=p, that’s totally obvious!

If you look here it wasn’t looking to request lengths at all before the fix. Some QA! If the technology is to allow you to request a number of letters and you don’t test that you can get more than you should that is still sort of bad.

Thank goodness for SQL, Java, and Python! Even thank goodness for Mumps (the programming language). At least (not in Mumps) then you could make the request an object of the requested length and drop everything else.

This site was secure I found thanks to it using forward secrecy (at least since the conversion to Debian – seems like the old version of FreeBSD was unaffected as well). No idea how it was using that but phew! Since ran some SSL check and we’re an even more tight ship now!

BSD/Linux DrupalRecover Tech

Debian and Exim4

The one bit of switching to Debian that was difficult was setting up Exim and SMTP. I tried using the configuration off of FreeBSD but Debian just has it’s own special setup. For whatever reason the FreeBSD configuration resulted in SMTP reject errors.

This is a helpful command for debugging the exim configuration – it really helps to know what Exim4 is actually doing with all those config files!

exim -bP

So I tried the Debian approach and that worked ok for receiving mail (which the FreeBSD also did). However I still couldn’t connect with the mail client. Looking at it again if I’d read that wiki closely and followed all the instructions it would have saved me a couple of hours… I just needed to uncomment the SASL bit in /etc/exim4/exim4.conf.template. So always follow the instructions closely I suppose!

BSD/Linux DrupalRecover Tech

FreeBSD, ZFS, Rackspace, and to Debian

So the old server has always crashed quite a bit and been a bit slow for no obvious reason otherwise. So I spent some time trying to optimize the server with various things but then it occurred to me to consider this message on login:

### ZFS Tuning ###

ZFS is NOT tuned for instances with less than 1GB RAM.

For tuning 256MB and 512MB instances, the following link is recommended reading

Now the image I’m using has less than 1GB RAM so I went to that wiki and tried to do some stuff and totally messed up the performance. At least that somewhat proved to me that it was ZFS and low memory causing the random hangs. The wiki notes the ‘bursting’ behaviour of the ZFS filesystem sometimes. That’s what the server had been doing! Trying to tweak it a bit I just made it worse. There was nothing in swap and any disk based activity was REALLY SLOW. Just tarring things up after my tweaks freezes the system… Darn fancy filesystems. Combine that with I was starting to get some package issues with a mixture of compiled packages and trying ‘pkgng’ I thought I’d given Debian a try again.

Debian has no slowness issues! I’m 99% sure it was the ZFS and low memory. So as much as I like FreeBSD this I’ll use Debian. I do like apt better than pkgng anyhow, much more refined. I was almost getting into a version of RPM hell with FreeBSD there… (At least it’d never ruin the whole system with BSD though)

Anyhow switching to Debian worked fine, I can’t get the SMTP server working for some reason but everything else was easy to port. And there is no more random hanging. Also  no swap space is used at all for the same configuration, so either it very likely was ZFS that was the issue on FreeBSD.



I read quite often that gerrymandering of political districts is a cause of the current mess of our republic. That’s fine and makes sense but this is a bit abstract how drawing the lines can make sure the Republican districts always stay Republican and Democrat districts stay Democrat. Or how overall it’d really affect anything. You’d think the law of large numbers or such would even everything out. This image and description from Wikipedia makes it clear why it doesn’t even everything out very well – this is all from the Wikipedia article on gerrymandering.

Example for a state with 3 equally sized districts, 15 voters and 2 parties: Plum(squares) and Orange(circles).In (a), creating 3 mixed-type districts yields a 3–0 win to Plum—a disproportional result considering the state-wide 9:6 Plum majority.

In (b), Orange wins the urban district while Plumwins the rural districts—the 2–1 result reflects the state-wide vote ratio.

In (c), gerrymandering techniques ensure a 2–1 win to the state-wide minority Orange party.

All the cases are interesting in their own way. (a) seems interesting in if you don’t do any thought to district membership the minority can lose everywhere.  You can’t just let the boundaries be indiscriminate perhaps. (c) is the opposite, the minority can rule with wise redistricting.
DrupalRecover Uncategorized

Pandora’s promise

Pandora’s Promise makes a well laid out argument as to why nuclear fission is the way we need to go for our energy needs if we want to save the planet and keep our same levels of consumption. It’s just a very well done documentary, I won’t say much so as to deflate it’s fine argument for nuclear fission. Ignore everything else I say below and just watch the movie.

It is interesting to call out that they went to outside the sacophagus in Chernobyl and the radiation level was lower than that on a beach in Brasil where people go to lay in the sand for health benefits. Also that nuclear is cleaner then every other source of energy except for wind. Also the number of ‘environmentalists’ who have come around to support nuclear is interesting. The movie is sort of an interesting commentaty on ‘environmetalism’ as well. A fine scene is when there are people protesting a nuclear power plant. They go around handing out bananas for a ‘banana break’. Of course bananas put off radioactivity along with a common lot of things.

The thing I’ve always seen is nuclear is an invisible sickness that everyone fears. However for some reason no one fears the pollution from fossil fuels or solar panel production nearly as much although (at least the fossil fuels from power generation) kill many more people than nuclear (from power generation at least) has. Maybe I should do a chart of that if I can find the data to actually support that statement!

Thanks to the wonder of the internet (don’t let anyone restrict it!) I found random proof of the statement here. A good image for the claim:

This is a nice visualization to play around with as well – of course who knows where the data comes from.

At the same rate I do like this page that shows that we are nowhere near the evacuation area of any nuclear power plant. But I still don’t like the fact that we have high air pollution days because we have many coal plants nearby. The invisible menace of radiation is scary somehow but unbreathable air is more immediate.

DrupalRecover Uncategorized

Data for charting

I think it’d be interesting to graph random data available from around the internet. To to this I used Pages for the first chart and R for the second. The data comes from the Whitehouse here:

Computer DrupalRecover Tech


Thanks to Codepen for the fine CSS that inspired the new header above. Very nice. Lots of neat things you can do with CSS and Javascript at Codepen. Here’s where I got the fine CSS for the above:

Computer DrupalRecover Tech

Net neutrality and hypocrisy

Thanks to net neutrality fine internet content like this can exist and anyone can get to it for free. What a lucky dog you are! However recently a court struck down the FCC’s attempts at net neutrality.

The Republicans truly are Orwellian 99% of the time. Here we get our most recent example in a court’s recent striking down of net neutrality they claim victory for innovation and the free market.

This is what could happen if net neutrality fails and the ISPs can decide what we’re allowed to see for what cost – so much for freedom and innovation – more like cable and money:

Thanks to whoever created that image which is here:

How is internet not just part of infrastructure? And we need the infrastrucure protected so that everyone can continue to have access to it. We don’t let water companies shut off the water if they feel like it. We expect electricity of the electric company. We regulate those to make sure they stay available to all. Anyhow if you are reading this presumably you like using the internet (regardless of whether you like this post, you do like the internet) and should want it kept accessbile for all without limit or extra fees for something that was free.