A couple of really handy things that may not be obvious when using the RaspberryPi.
First, it’s really handy to install avahi. That installs mDNS/Bonjour-like functionality so you don’t have to know the darn ip address. Once you do that you can just ssh to the hostname.local:
ssh pi@raspberrypi.local
and you’ll always find it. To install avahi:
sudo apt-get install avahi-daemon
Second, if you’ve no plans to use the graphics you can reduce the memory usage by going into
sudo raspi-config
Then you just choose
8 Advanced Options Configure advanced settings
A3 Memory Split Change the amount of memory made
Type 16 for the memory allowance, reboot, and you’ve got more memory to work with. It sounds like you have to give the video some memory and 16 is the minimum.
Third, say you like vi instead of the default nano. Then you can make vi to be the default editor with:
update-alternatives --config editor
Then choose vi/vim.