Easy to ad block with your own DNS server if you don’t want to trust adblock or other plugins.
1 – you need a web server to host a blank image
2 – Get blacklist
Get the blacklist from http://pgl.yoyo.org/adservers/
Choose for the bind 8 config format.
I had to change the file so that the records read like this:
zone "101com.com" IN { type master; notify no; file "/etc/bind/null.zone.file"; };
by adding the “IN” between the domain name and the “{ type master ….” part. Use your vi-skills for this.
Give this file a easy name, like ‘blacklist’. Now create a line in /etc/bind/named.conf.local:
include "/etc/bind/blacklist";
Create the null zone file
Create a file /etc/bin/null.zone.file with the following contents:
$TTL 86400 ; one day
@ IN SOA nds.example.com. hostmaster.example.com. (
2002061000 ; serial number YYMMDDNN
28800 ; refresh 8 hours
7200 ; retry 2 hours
864000 ; expire 10 days
86400 ) ; min ttl 1 day
NS nds.example.com
@ IN A
* IN A
and replace example.com by your internal domain name and replace by the name of your web server. The above format allow for the use of wildcards. This means that you do not have to care about the subdomains.
Restart bind (Ubuntu version)
service bind9 restart
2 is copied from here for posterity: https://box.matto.nl/dnsadblok.html
3 – use a different DNS source if you want
If you want to use a different DNS server (say you don’t trust your ISP or Google to know every site you query) you can find others here:
And then in /etc/bind/named.conf.options add the forward to the dns servers:
forwarders {;;;